Waterline Controls™ does not use conductivity probes technology. We explain their advantages and disadvantages and how they compare with Waterline Controls™ level sensors. Learn how a conductivity probe works. Find out what makes us unique!
Waterline Controls™ Does Not Use Conductivity!
Theory of operation for Conductivity Probe Sensor verse WaterLine Controls™
With a Conductivity device there are two or more conductive probes set at various lengths and they conduct electricity between them. The power used can be between 8VAC and 110VAC. Never mind the idea of putting 110VAC into a pool of water for now. It could be hazardous or give a little shock. Regardless of the amount of power. poor water quality causes the probes in the system to foul, deteriorate or pit. The life cycle for these conductivity sensors are short and some Value Added Resellers have termed it as “Throwaway Technology”. Water Quality is not a problem for WaterLine Controls™.
We don’t use Conductivity as our core technology, we use software as the core!
This sensor is typically used in applications where the water level is to be controlled between two water levels; a high point and a low point. Other water level points can be set in the design to indicate various warning or alarm conditions.
A basic design can be generated and the liquid levels desired can be easily set by the length of the probes. These can be field cut to the length desired for the specific application. Liquid levels can be sensed to within ⅛ of an inch. Probe lengths can be any length needed.
The liquid being measured must be conductive in nature. The sensor tips deteriorate over time and can need periodic cleaning to keep them from fouling. There is nothing that can be done to stop the sensor tips from deterioration or pitting. The sensors will need to be designed to be replaced. If not, then the entire unit will need to be replaced at some point in time at considerable expense. WaterLine Controls™ does not need the sensors to be cleaned and the sensors do not deteriorate or pit. So no matter the water quality it is not a problem for us. If the 110VAC versions of modules are used in open water environments there is a potential for electrical shock. The conductivity of water is greatly variable but usually has enough ions to provide a conductivity level. That causes deterioration, fouling and pitting of the sensor tips. Only specific set points are allowed with the physical probe sensor and these are determined by a probe for each set point.
We use proprietary software technology to mange these issues and Water Quality is not a problem for our controllers.
All of our liquid level controls and liquid level sensors are assembled right here in the U.S.A.
where we monitor every step of the process.
We offer products comparable to the products offered by the above companies. See our website pages for further information on the products. The tradenames and trademarks in this page are owned by their respective companies or are the same name as the company. They are mentioned for comparison purposes only. They are in no way affiliated with System Dynamics, Inc or WaterLine Controls.