At Waterline Controls™, we understand the challenges faced in industry when it comes to the responsible use of water, especially when there are millions or billions of gallons involved. That’s why we were happy to see the innovative solution created… Continue reading
Cooling Towers & Water Conservation
At Waterline Controls™ we are always pleased to hear about progress being made in green technology and environmental conservation. That’s why we wanted to share the great news about Infinite Cooling’s first-place win at the Houston-based Rice Business Plan Competition.… Continue reading
Additional Measure Continue to be Looked at to Combat Legionnaires’ Disease
NSF P453. Under typical operating conditions, cooling towers can propagate Legionella. Combining chillers and plastic surface cooling towers with added anti-microbial options can significantly reduce the infection risk. Continue reading
Austin, Texas Cooling Tower Registration and Update Deadline Nearing
Austin, TX deadline of Dec. 31, 2017 for registration of all Cooling Towers in the city is getting close. Waterline Controls™ systems can get you compliant. Continue reading
Cooling Tower News Updates
100s Of Cooling Towers Examined After Melbourne Legionnaire’s Disease Outbreak In March That Had Six Confirmed Cases
Cleaning of large amounts of cooling towers in Melbourne Australia were undertaken after Victoria’s Department of Health and Human… Continue reading
Is Your Cooling Tower as Safe as You Think?
Legionnaire’s Disease
Legionella bacteria, the source of Legionnaire’s Disease, has been repeatedly found in inspections of cooling towers after outbreaks. Many areas are turning to tighter… Continue reading
Cooling Towers found with Legionnaire’s Disease in New York
New York City has announced that 2 more people have died from Legionnaire’s disease, bringing the casualty total to 10 so far, of the one hundred people infected in the South… Continue reading
Identifying Water in Transit in Cooling Towers
While our system is simple to use and install, some theories and terms can be good to review before proceeding. With this in mind, let’s talk about the ‘hidden’ water in a typical… Continue reading
California Cooling Towers Now Need Overflow Alarms
On July 1st, 2014, California Building Energy Efficiency Standard’s most recent revision went into effect. One of the adjustments from the 2008 standard that was implemented was “increasing cooling tower energy efficiency and… Continue reading
All of our liquid level controls and liquid level sensors are assembled right here in the U.S.A.
where we monitor every step of the process.
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